- January 16, 2024
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With GDP per capital of US$1,917 per annum by 2023, it is reflected to income of Cambodian people and a vital role of Microfinance sector in economic momentum enablers through their lending activities of micro and small loan. Complement to the Mass Market segment of Cambodia Post Bank (CP Bank), the parent company with 100% shares of FUNAN Microfinance, targets to people with low and lower-middle income. This is a part to support the Government strategy to uplift Cambodia to upper-middle income by 2030. 51 branches located countrywide—FUNAN reaches to where is underserved of its target segment. With approximately US$4,300 loan per client, we have lent to people in micro agriculture and micro & small businesses at 31% and 18% of total portfolio respectively.

In the Microfinance market, we understand the need of customer protections and more financial education—FUNAN has been cooperating with Cambodia Microfinance Association (CMA) in financial literacy campaign since the last quarter of 2023 to promote the financial literacy video spot with FUNAN social medias. Thousands of target audience have been reached. The cooperation is a plus to what we have done through our Corporate Social Responsibility activities in 2023. That is to provide the financial education to student of secondary school locating in our operational areas. Moreover, FUNAN is adopting the Client Protection Principles into its business, including—1. Appropriate products and services, 2. Avoidance of over-indebtedness, 3. Transparency, 4. Reasonable pricing, 5. Ethical staff behavior, 6. Privacy of client data, 7. Mechanisms for redress of grievances.
FUNAN Microfinance Plc., has been committing to provide financial services exceed client’s need and expectations.